
NetPower Technologies, Inc. Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. AllegroMicroSystems ALLEGRO[Allegro MicroSystems]
Part No. |
ULN2004L ULQ2004L 2003 ULN2023A ULN2023L ULN2024A ULN2024L ULQ2024L ULN2003L ULN2003A ULN2004A ULQ2003A ULQ2004A ULQ2003L ULQ2024A ULQ2023A ULN2001 ULN2006A ULN2006L ULN2008A ULN2003 ULN2018A ULN2018L ULN2017A ULQ2023L ULN2024 ULN2023 ULQ2003
OCR Text |
... share a common terminal number assignment.
The ULN2003A/L and ULN2004A/L are the standard Darlington arrays. The outputs are capable of sinking 500 mA and will withstand at least 50 V in the OFF state. Outputs may be paralleled for high... |
Description |
HIGH-VOLTAGE, HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS 高电压,大电流达林顿阵列 Low-density access line, ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 16 or 32 KB Flash, 5 timers, ADC and 4 communication interfaces 高电压,大电流达林顿阵列 Low-density performance line, ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 16 or 32 KB Flash, USB, CAN, 6 timers, 2 ADCs, 6 communication interfaces Medium-density access line, ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 64 or 128 KB Flash, 6 timers, ADC and 7 communication interfaces HIGH-VOLTAGE/HIGH-CURRENTDARLINGTONARRAYS HIGH-VOLTAGE/ HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS HIGH-VOLTAGE HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS 7-Channel High-Current Darlington Array High-Voltage, High-Current Darlington Arrays(杈???靛?95V锛??浜???靛钩?昏??佃矾??????澶?????璐?浇?寸??ュ???????澶х?娴?揪??】?靛?) HIGH-VOLTAGE, HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS
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