2009. 3. 12 1/3 semiconductor technical data KTC2875 revision no : 3 for muting and switching application. features ? high emitter-base voltage : v ebo =25v(min.) ? high reverse h fe : reverse h fe =150(typ.) (v ce =-2v, i c =-2ma) ? low on resistance : r on =1 ? (typ.), (i b =5ma) maximum rating (ta=25 ? ) dim millimeters 1. emitter 2. base 3. collector sot-23 a b c d e 2.93 0.20 1.30+0.20/-0.15 0.45+0.15/-0.05 2.40+0.30/-0.20 g 1.90 h j k l m n 0.95 0.13+0.10/-0.05 0.00 ~ 0.10 0.55 0.20 min 1.00+0.20/-0.10 m j k e 1 2 3 h g a n c b d 1.30 max ll pp p7 + _ electrical characteristics (ta=25 ? ) note : h fe classification a: 200~700, b: 350 ?- 1200 characteristic symbol rating unit collector-base voltage v cbo 50 v collector-emitter voltage v ceo 20 v emitter-base voltage v ebo 25 v collector current i c 300 ma base current i b 60 ma collector power dissipation p c 150 mw junction temperature t j 150 ? storage temperature range t stg -55 ?- 150 ? characteristic symbol test condition min. typ. max. unit collector cut-off current i cbo v cb =50v, i e =0 - - 0.1 a emitter cut-off current i ebo v eb =25v, i c =0 - - 0.1 a dc current gain (note) h fe v ce =2v, i c =4ma 200 - 1200 collector-emitter saturation voltage v ce(sat) i c =30ma, i b =3ma - 0.042 0.3 v base-emitter voltage v be v ce =2v, i c =4ma - 0.61 - v transition frequency f t v ce =6v, i c =4ma - 30 - mhz collector output capacitance c ob v cb =10v, i e =0, f=1mhz - 4.8 7 pf switching time turn-on time t on 1k ? 3k ? 4k ? 50? 10v cc v =12v bb v =-3v 1 s 2% output duty cycle input < = - 160 - ns storage time t stg - 500 - fall time t f - 130 - h rank type name marking lot no. m fe epitaxial planar npn transistor
2009. 3. 12 2/3 KTC2875 revision no : 3 collector current i (ma) 0 c 0 base-emitter voltage v (v) be be c i - v collector current i (ma) 0 c 0 collector-emitter voltage v (v) ce ce c i - v 10 transtion frequency f (mhz) 5 t 500 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 emitter current i (ma) e f - i collector current i (ma) dc current gain h 0.3 1 3 10 c 50 fe h - i collector-emitter voltage v (v) collector current i (ma) 0 0 c ce i - v (reverse region) cce 1 collector-emitter saturation collector current i (ma) 0.1 0.3 1 3 c ce(sat) 10 500 v - i 246810 10 20 30 40 50 common emitter ta=25 c i =20 a b 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 common emitter ta=25 c 50 40 30 20 i =10 a 0 b fe c 30 100 100 300 500 1k 3k 5k common emitter ta=100 c v =6v ce v =2v ce ta=25 c ta=-25 c ce(sat) c voltage v (mv) 10 30 100 300 3 5 30 50 100 300 common emitter i /i =10 c b 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 100 200 300 common emitter v =2v ce t a=100 c ta=25 c ta=-25 c te -10 -30 -100 30 50 100 300 common emitter v =6v ta=25 c ce
2009. 3. 12 3/3 KTC2875 revision no : 3 c p (mw) 0 collector power dissipation collector-emitter on resistance on 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.03 0.01 base current i (ma) b 0 ambient temperature ta ( c) pc - ta r - i c - v cb collector-base voltage v (v) 0.3 0.5 1 3 ob 1 collector output capacitance 10 ob cb c (pf) 510 30 3 5 30 f=1mhz i =0 ta=25 c e 25 100 on b r ( ? ) 1310 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 1k ? 10k ? i b 50 75 100 125 150 200 300 400 500